What's Harming Your Hearing?

Normal Hearing Audiogram

Are you having trouble following conversations? 

Do you often feel like the people around you are talking too quietly? 

Do you think you’re too young to have hearing loss? 

There are serveral types of hearing loss, and we tend to think of as something that only affects us as we age. Age is the most common cause of hearing loss, but it’s not the only one. People of any age can suffer a loss of hearing. For some, it’s a gradual process that takes years to notice. For others, it may be sudden. In fact, you might be surprised by some of the causes: 

Noise exposure – When your parents told you to turn your music down, they were right! Exposure to loud noises can damage your hearing. Common culprits include machinery on the job, loud music at concerts or through headphones, lawn mowers, and other power tools.

Health conditions – Certain health conditions that affect blood circulation can affect your hearing. For example, diabetes, high blood pressure, and high cholesterol can all decrease blood flow to the tiny blood vessels in your ears.

Medications – Some medications can temporarily or permanently damage your ears. These are called ototoxic, meaning toxic to your ears. Some antibiotics, chemotherapy drugs, and diuretics (water pills) can be ototoxic, as well as some over the counter pain killers, if taken in large doses for a long time. If you’re worried that a medication might be harming your hearing, don’t stop taking it without talking to your doctor first. 

Earwax buildup – Wax helps protect your ears, but too much can cause problems. Wax can build up slowly, eventually hardening and blocking the ear canal. In this case, hearing can usually be restored by careful removal of the wax. 

Head injury – Injuries can dislocate the tiny bones or damage the nerves in your ear, making it difficult for your ear to work correctly. Surgery can sometimes repair the damage.

Illness or infection – Some diseases like chickenpox, influenza, and meningitis can cause hearing loss. Ear infections can cause temporary hearing loss that improves with treatment, but repeated ear infections can cause long-term damage. 

Chronic stress – Chronic stress has a negative effect on the body, including the ears. It can reduce circulation and cause high blood pressure, both of which can lead to hearing loss or tinnitus (ringing in the ears).

Don’t let hearing loss slow you down

Whatever the cause, hearing loss can affect your relationships, your social life, and your everyday enjoyment of the little things. At CCMC Hearing Care, we’ll diagnose your hearing loss and help you understand your treatment options. 

If you think you have hearing loss, contact us today or give us a call at one of our convenient locations to schedule an appointment:

St. Johns — (989) 796-4555 — Monday, Thursday, and Friday (inside Michigan Psychological Care)

Alma — (989) 292-3572 — Tuesday and Wednesday (inside Michigan Psychological Care)


Schedule your appointment today! You should hear what you’ve been missing!

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